Kitchen Tips

How To Cut and Slice A Brisket

Source : thekitchn

Who doesn't love meat? Beef, in general, is common among people, especially in the US. Among different beef cuts, brisket stands out due to its flavor and protein content.

Briskets are highly nutritious if consumed in the right way. They contain high amounts of protein, cholesterol, and fat. This meat item can be cooked in different ways. Boiling, grilling, and roasting are some of the major options. However, the cooking method and the taste depend highly on the cutting.

Tools You Need to Cut Briskets

The main factor that affects the overall cut is the cutting tool. Just slicing the briskets is not enough. They have to be cut in a way that is preferable for cooking as well as for eating. There are many tools required to cut the briskets.

Some of the major tools needed to cut the briskets have been explained in this section. 

Sharp Knife

Source : theaustralianbrisketboard

Cutting cannot be completed without including a sharp knife in the list. When you are cutting meat items, a knife in good use is a must. Do not settle for the knives that just work and do not give the best result.

If the knife is not in proper working condition, this will increase your cutting time. The fats in the briskets should be trimmed properly as well. 

Chopping Board

The large chopping board should be used to cut the briskets. The briskets are usually large in size. So, avoid using cutting boards of regular size. The briskets need to be trimmed time and again. Small chopping boards will increase your work.

This will make your kitchen dirty as briskets are to be cut properly. The fats and the blood from the briskets might create a mess. It is therefore suggested not to use chopping boards of smaller sizes. 

Claws or Forks 

Don't be surprised after seeing the forks on the list. If you are planning to shred the brisket then the fork is a must. But make sure to use a high-quality fork for cutting purposes.

Some forks are usually lightly weighted and may not handle the heaviness of the briskets.

Meat Thermometer 

Source : girlscangrill

You might be thinking what is the use of a thermometer in cutting? But it is important to have a meat thermometer by side. This will help you to know and understand the internal temperature of the briskets. The cutting process will be easier after using this tool. 

Before you start cutting the briskets let them cool down for almost half an hour. The use of a thermometer has already ensured the briskets are good enough to cut. So, you can now cut them without any problems. 

How to Cut and Slice Briskets

The briskets cannot be cut randomly like other meat items. They are usually large in size and are mostly grilled. So, the proper cutting is required. You can learn about different methods of cutting the brisktes. 

Follow the step-by-step guidelines to cut the briskets. This will save you time and make your further cooking easier.

1. Cool Down the Brisket

The first step you need to take into consideration is to let the briskets rest for some time. Here are some instructions that you need to follow while making them cool down. Follow the instructions properly to get the best result.

  1. Without smoking or grilling the meat, making briskets is not possible. So, first, try to grill the beef properly. 
  2. Use the meat thermometer to check the doneness and measure the internal temperature. 
  3. After you realize that the briskets are ready enough for further cutting, take them out from the grill.
  4. You can use the gloves and tongs to take them out. 
  5. After they have been taken out, transfer them to the pan or plates. 
  6. Now, the major step is to cool down the brisktes. You can use the cooler to rest them well. Putting ice is your choice. But make sure that the briskets do not lose their tenderness and juiciness.

Source : reddit

2. Choose the Right Knife

Do not take this step for granted. This step might sound the easiest but choosing the right knife is very very important. You have to work smart with the kitchen tools to get the desired result of your interest. Here are some major instructions you need to follow. 

  1. Look for a knife that is large and sharp. If the knife cuts the whole meat at once then what better than this? 
  2. The 14-inch slicer is the knife that is recommended by the experts to cut the briskets. 
  3. Select the knife that has weight. At the same time, do not look for knives that cannot be held by your hands. 
  4. After letting the briskets cool down for some time, cut them into pieces. 
  5. After you follow all the steps before cutting, cut and make the slices according to your preferred sizes. 
  6. You can make your favorite recipes later on with these cut briskets.

Source : overthefirecooking

3. Find the Grain

After you choose the right knife, it is important to find the grain. This will lead you to choose the cutting directions and give you the main ideas of cutting brisktes.

Here are the major instructions that you would like to follow while cutting this meat item. 

  1. Finding the direction of the cut is very important. Before cutting with the help of a knife, you have to look for the direction. 
  2. People definitely love to cut against the grain. So, cut them accordingly in the fourth step. You can use gloves while finding the direction.
  3. If you don't cut them against the grain the muscle part of the briskets becomes hard. It makes it difficult for people to chew. 
  4. The meat becomes tender in every cut when cut in the instructed way. So, try to cut them as suggested. 
  5. To see the grain you can also cut the corner of the flat before the meat has been cooked. 
  6. The same corner can be used to find the direction before cutting the briskets. 

Source : napoleon

4. Cut the Brisket

Finally, here comes the step that you have been waiting for. People like you are reading this article to learn the different methods of cutting briskets. This article will surely help you to save your time and effort while cutting the brisktes. Here are the main things you need to know and the instructions to follow while cutting the briskets. 

  1. Put on the apron and clean the chopping board and knife to cut the briskets. 
  2. First, cut the excess fats from the briskets if you haven't trimmed them earlier. 
  3. Start cutting against the grain at a 90-degree angle. 
  4. Even if the direction of the meat changes in between, rotate them and cut them against the grain. 
  5. The meat should be tendered enough even while cutting. This will give you an amazing taste when you eat them with your family and friends. 

Source : thekitchn

5. Slicing the Briskets

Do not get confused between cutting and slicing. After you cut the briskets, it is now time for you to make thin slices of them. Here are some of the suggestions for you to slice these meat items. 

  1. Prepare Brisktes: After you cut the briskets, get them ready to slice into thin pieces. Keep them on the clean chopping board and slice them into pieces. This is a messy work. So, try to use the gloves as far as possible, This will help you to make your hands and the entire cutting process easier. 
  2. Separate the point from the flat: The flat layer of the briskets should be sliced first. As discussed earlier in the cutting process, you will be slicing the briskets against the grain. To make the cutting easier, it is important to separate the points from the flats. 
  3. Slice the flat: After you separate the flats, it is now time for you to slice the flats pieces of meat. Make sure to slice them into uniform sizes. This will help you enjoy the briskets in a better way. 
  4. Slice the point: Why separate the flats and points if not to be sliced separately? Now, it is the time for you to slice the point. You have to slice the point against the grain in 1/4 inch slices which is similar to that of slicing the flat.
  5. Serve: The most loved step for all the people. After you have properly sliced the briskets, it is time to enjoy the delicious meat. You can dig the briskets with your favorite seasonings. Serve them on a nice plate and enjoy your food. 

Source : bradleysmoker

Choosing the Perfect Brisket

Briskets come from beef and all of you must know that they cannot be stored for a long time. The meat product if kept at the outside temperature for a long time will start smelling bad in no time. They have to be refrigerated properly. However, choosing a fresh brisket is not a difficult job.

Source : buyranchdirect

  • Weight: People might not consider the weight of brisket thinking they are not so important. But it is necessary to weigh the brisket. Selecting the brisket of 12 to 14 pounds will help you get the result of your desired interest. If they are watery and weigh higher then avoid such brisktes as they must have been stored in the freezer for a long time.
  • Exterior fat: Not all fats are unhealthy. The exterior fats of the briskets increase the taste. But having them in the right amount is important. These fats sometimes might make the meat chewy and rubbery.
  • Marbling: To your surprise, marbling has a great impact on the overall taste and texture of the briskets. The consistent marbling in the meat helps in determining the juiciness. The uneven distribution of fats might make some parts very tender while the other parts remain very dry. 
  • Grading: This is an important step in identifying the freshness of the briskets. There is a proper grading system in the US. So, purchase the briskets that are graded well. The grade is determined as the lowest and prime. Who would like to choose the briskets with a low grade?
  • Color: Make sure to look for the red-pink color of the briskets. If the color is too dark and deep do not buy them. They might have been stored for a long time. 
  • Packaging: Looking for packaging should always be the priority. Look for the packages that have proper labeling. The cut and the expiry date should be analyzed properly. If the package smells and does not have the briskets in bright color then avoid them. Always look for fresh and perfect briskets.

Ways to Use Briskets

The briskets when sliced properly can be eaten directly with the sauce and your favorite seasonings. However, there are many serving suggestions for these meat items. They can perfectly complement other meals and snacks. These meats can make your stomach full if you eat them in the right amount.

Overconsumption of brisket might also affect your health. So, enjoy this tasty food in the right quantity and at the right time. The most commonly eaten food with briskets has been highlighted for you. Enjoy the serving suggestions with big smiles on your faces. 

Brisket with Potato 

Source : bhg

Might be wondering how a potato and brisket can go together? There is no need to worry about it. These two foods make the perfect combination. Potatoes are easily available in people's homes. From children to youths, everyone loves to have potatoes. They are the vegetable that fits in almost every food item. 

Brisket potato salad is one of the easiest items to be made from brisktes. You can simply cut the briskets into pieces and add your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables. Potatoes can be either boiled or fried. It is up to you to choose the potatoes of your interest. Enjoy this tasty food with your family and friends. 

Brisket Burger

Source : sweetteaandthyme

Who doesn't love to have a meat burger? You would definitely want to enjoy your burger with briskets. All you have to do is to have a toasted bun or bread. Slice them and use the chopped or shredded briskets to make the perfect burger. 

Add the butter and cheese which will enhance the taste of your food. This is an easy recipe that can be enjoyed by all. You don't have to give your extra time and effort in making this brisket burger. If you have children then packing this food for them to have in the lunch can be a good idea.